Test case validate_withoutSchema_dataseteditorddi32 in DocumentBoV1Test correctly fails on Olivers dev-box
- Test case
failed on Olivers dev-box. See this error message. - Why don´t test executions fail on my machine and also not on the CI pipelines?
The test document
is not suitable at all for the test purposevalidate xml against schema
, because the file is even not wellformed: The prefixes are used by the elements but not defined: The document is not well-formed, so it can´t be used to test if it is validatable. But even worse ... -
The reason why the test failed on Olivers devbox is: The validation is poorly implemented! There is a conditional-check on the message of the thrown SAXParseException, which shows that the file is not wellformed. But because I´ve thought this shows invalidity of the file, I checked against the message text
😂 😭 😂 and - tata - the message text is in english! - pause - Olivers JVM message texts are german! There seems not to be a easy way to distinguish if a file is not validatable or it is invalid. So this feature is suspended!
File with unbound prefixes is good as test case for not-wellformedness. -
Execute schema validation and map all SAXParseException to ContentNotValidException